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El Alma del Libro:

A Story About Diego and Her Mother, Alma

Santa Ana Pacueco Estate
Victor Rodriguez Tafoya Victor Rodriguez Tafoya

Santa Ana Pacueco Estate

In the 19th century, the Hacienda Santa Ana Pacueco was not unaffected by the changes brought about by the Mexican Revolution. Social unrest and agrarian reforms impacted the large estates across the country, and Santa Ana Pacueco experienced a decline in its former grandeur. Nevertheless, despite the social and economic transformations, the hacienda continued to be an important historical symbol for the region of Guanajuato.

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The Soul of the Book:
Featured Victor Rodriguez Tafoya Featured Victor Rodriguez Tafoya

The Soul of the Book:

Through the pages of her book El Ladron de Mis Recuerdos, Alma tenderly and painfully recounts the process of watching Diego lose his personality and abilities. "It was very hard for me to remember my favorite songs; only a few words came out that almost no one understood, but my heart still sang with joy," Alma shares, as she describes how her son began to lose skills he once enjoyed, such as running, jumping, and singing.

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Roots of Hope
Featured Victor Rodriguez Tafoya Featured Victor Rodriguez Tafoya

Roots of Hope

This year, as Latinx Heritage Month began, Angela found herself reflecting on the legacy of those who had come before her. Her heritage, rich in language, history, and culture, was her foundation.

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Premio Ohtli
Featured Victor Rodriguez Tafoya Featured Victor Rodriguez Tafoya

Premio Ohtli

The Government of Mexico in Sacramento awards the Ohtli Prize to Mrs. Jennifer Siebel Newsom, First Partner of California.

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World Languages Day
Featured Victor Rodriguez Tafoya Featured Victor Rodriguez Tafoya

World Languages Day

Through World Languages Day, Sacramento State seeks to foster a deeper understanding of global cultures and the importance of linguistic diversity.

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Víctor R. Rodríguez Tafoya

· US Marine Corp Veteran · Emmy Award Winning Journalist · Communications & Marketing Specialist · Social Media Manager ·

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